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ps3-sales! said:

Mine would be Resistance 2. Not the best shooter, but it's one of those games that the memories stuck with me. I have plenty of games like that, but I often forget how much I enjoyed Resistance 2!

Released in 2008, I got in along with 2 other games at Target as part of a "buy 2 get 1" deal. Started by beating the single player campaign. It was fun, but nothing amazing about it. Then on to the multiplayer... And oh what fun was had!!!

Competitive multiplayer was great. 60 players all in 1 match, great shooting/gameplay, and good balenced classes. In my opinion it was the Ps3's first great exclusive online multiplayer game. But there was something even better...

The online co-op campaign!!! So much fun was had. It was up to 8 players, drop in/out, and the difficulty increased with each player. It almost had some RPG like mechanics to it, but different classes (assult, defense, support) and it was just a blast to play. I played the hell out of the online co-op, and had some great memories.

YOUR TURN!!! What's one game this past gen that might not be the most popular game, but holds a special place in your heart!!! 

That takes me back to my time playing Resitance 2. I LOVED playing those MP/coop maps, especially that one posted above. I was the medic most times. I played that game so much that one day I saw the killing machine trophy pop up for 10,000 kills. hahahaha

For me it's a toss up between that and Uncharted. Those two had the largest impact on me last gen. Uncharted was the game that made me think differently about single player games and adventure, and it was the first true next gen game I played extensively. Resistance 2 is the same but for mp/coop.


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