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One, eh? Well, I was never a big mult-player gamer until later on in life. I don't know why but it just seemed hard to get into. I felt like I was pretty good at Gears of War but not good enough to compete online. I didn't want to suck and drag a team down with me.

Anyway, Gears of War 2 released and I decided to give Horde Mode a try. The group I was allied with was about on my level. I was able to hold my own. There was one particular map where everyone was dead and, as they died, they were able to watch the survivor continue playing. I was the last man standing and I was nervous as hell. I was rolling out of the way of rockets at the last second, running from cover to cover barely staying alive and I kept hearing in my headset "C'mon, Lewis!" and "Good Job, Lewis!" I figured I would die just like everybody else but I didn't. I defeated what was left of the Horde by myself.

When that round was over, I felt like I had won the Superbowl. I think I even got a few Friend Requests that day. Of course, we got destroyed the very next round but I'll always remember that day and smile.