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Licence said:

BeElite said:

We all seen real defective product release, it was called xbox 360 and its defectivness was rather legit.

Its called commom sense as in Amazon probably sold tens of thousands of PS4 in the US being the biggest online retailer a few neg reviews really measn shit all especially how their validity cant even be truested.  And a high amazon complaints can easily be atttributes to the sheer fact that a MILLION Ps4 were sold in a day.  

No shit no other console had as many amazon complaits as fast, they sold at 1/10th the rate.

Like any hardware some will have problems.  

Apple sells as many iPhones and iPads in 6 months than Sony sells Playstations per generation. Yet they have nowhere near the ratio of defective reviews on Amazon - so your argument about volume is fallacious.

I really don't understand why people are so desperate to cover this up. There is clearly an issue - even Sony has admitted to it. If you think this is within "expected norms of electronics" then your expectations are too low.

Most iphones are sold through carriers not amazon, my point is valid when talking consoles and amazon.

And most apple users wouldnt ever even admit their almighty apple sold them a broken product.  it goes agianst their religion.  While gamers tend to be rather vocal any time there are displeased.

Whos covering anything up.04 to 1% has been officialy said.

And anyone using amazon reviews to extrapilate any sort of rate is plain old ignorant, especially as none know how many Ps4 amazon sold to make any half assed attempt to quantify Ps4 failure rate.