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Blue3 said:
your mother said:

I just showed him that in fact, $235 HD-DVD players are in fact available in the market right now, and that isn't even the cheapest model available; the $400+ Blu-Ray player, in contrast, is the absolute cheapest on on the market right now.


good old anti sony fud, never goes away.

you can get a BR player for $349 right now on ebay.


Dude, let's get real - straight from your very own link:

"Hi you are looking at an like New Samsung BD-P1000 Blu-Ray Disc Player..."

I guess I'll have to start finding 'like new" HD-DVD players, eh? At least my pricegrabber search result lists new players for both HD-DVD and Blu-Ray (just trying to be objective here)...

Who's spreading the FUD again?

Also noticed you tacked on another sentence after your original post... anyone care to point it out?