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The biggest strikes against Gran Turismo 5 in comparison to Gran Turismo 3 & 4 are:

  • The PS3 is far less popular than the PS2. There are a lot of car fanatics in the world who just happened to own a PS2 in the previous generation because it was the most popular system with the masses; had Gran Turismo 3 or 4 been released on the Gamecube, XBox or Dreamcast it would have seen much lower sales because it didn't have the audience to sell to.
  • The PS3 is much more expensive than the PS2. By the time you buy the system, a game and pay taxes your total purchase is going to be approaching $500; a price tag noticeably higher than the people who dream of one day owning the cars in Gran Turismo can actually pay.
  • Gran Turismo 5 has far more competition. Back in the day, Gran Turismo 3 was heads and shoulders above all other racing games regardless of the platform; today you can choose Forza, Project Gothem Racing, Burnout Paradise and many more specialized racing games.

Mario Kart is in a different position because it is the last surviving decent Kart racer, it is being released on (potentially) the most popular home system it has ever been released on, and the Wii is seen (by many people) as the only affordable gaming system on the market today.