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Based on the thread, I think there are some good ideas, I'd add to mine

1.) Hiring Warren Spector to work at Retro (heading up a second team?) and/or becoming the new head of NOA and overseeing software development. Aielyn mentioned that, I think that's a good idea. Retro should have two fully staffed teams.

2.) I would immediately go scour some of the mid-to-large Western studios that want to work with Nintendo, ask them for pitches, and greenlight 2-3 of the best ones. I wouldn't necessarily buy the studios though ... that can be expensive.

3.) I'd mandate Aonuma's team that the next Zelda be the most grand and well crafted Zelda game ever made -- however I would add the mandate that it needs to be of the darker, more realistic OoT/TP style ... fact is, those titles simply sell better, a great Zelda game doesn't do anyone a lot of good if only 2-3 million people play it, need to get 5-7 million consumers.

4.) I'd buy the rights to the Bond franchise from EON productions (suck it Sony) and start making Wii U and 3DS games based around the character immediately.

5.) I'd look into an official partnership with Google to develop an Android based gaming tablet, with a heavily customized OS to suit Nintendo's needs.

6.) Enough of the small time Japanese collaborations, the Wii U needs something that will sell consoles. I go to Square-Enix and make this pitch ... we will work with you on a Nintendo + Final Fantasy + Dragon Quest crossover RPG, a franchise that could potentially have sales that eclipse the mainline FF and DQ series' themselves (sit down Kingdom Hearts). We'll split the profits 50/50. But in order for you to get this franchise we want Final Fantasy VI and VII Remakes on 3DS and Wii U. Exclusive. And a Chrono game (remake or sequel) for both systems as well. That's the deal, take it or leave it.

7.) For small budget indie game titles I'd go out and look for the 5-6 most promising looking ones with an emphasis on finding content that is REALLY unique and unusual for Nintendo platforms, and I'd buy the rights to those games and finance their development. This ensures 100% exclusivity and also franchising rights to those games in case of them takes off and becomes the next Angry Birds or something.

8.) I'd maybe look into partnerships with some Japanese companies to bring back some older IP, like Megaman, Castlevania, Contra, Ridge Racer, Shenmue, Daytona USA, etc. I'd offer to cover 40% of the development costs of these games + a drop in licensing fees + some marketing in exchange for exclusivity.