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lolita said:
Gballzack said:
Only on a gaming forum could a thread with two girls talking about their bisexuality be completely ignored for the sake of religious debate, lol.

Haha true... Well then let's talk about it, only the two of us! ;)

Have you ever fallen in love with a girl?

I did, once, but unfortunatly she's straight so I got the: "I like you as a friend." answer... T-T

Nope, can't say I ever have, been physically attracted to a couple, curious about a few others but that was about it. Most girls I knew liked dancing around the issue but never committing to how much they were, or weren't, interested in other girls. Most kept things vague so it never got further than experimentation with more than a handful of friends.

For the most part though I prefer guys and quite honestly have a hard enough time finding a boy to love much ales a girl in this sea of crazies and at this age level most girls are going through identity/gender crisises anyway so its best just to leave them cool off for another decade or so (or just give them enough time to figure out what medication works for them, lol).

Either way most are going to cop out in the end and marry a guy and have kids because its easier than going through with a non-traditional relationship where the ground work isn't set up for you by society and popular culture. I think Bisexuality is fun for alot of girls when they're younger and don't have too many responsabilities, but ultimately they'll go for what's easiest in the end, a heterosexual relationship.