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OriGin said:
People here are THICK on this subject.

I don't want to even bother getting into it cause I'm too late to the party and no one is going to read about what it is...

C02 is thickening the atmosphere which has two effects.

1. It causes more UV rays to bounce away from the planet

2. It traps more IR rays inside the atmosphere which in turn heats up cold areas because they bounce around inside the thicker atmosphere.

Global Warming talks about these IR rays which are heating and melting the polar ice, however most global warming theories don't take into account the decreased UV rays that can make it through in the first place because the atmosphere is thicker in the first place.

This is where the weakness and strength in the Global Warming arguments come from. There is a major factor that most Global Warming 'non' believers don't take into account and that is that the UV directly from the Sun will always penetrate more than IR rays that are rebounding from the surface - but this has always been the way, so it is possible that the thickening of the atmosphere is basically doing a +2IR -2UV = 0 and negating itself out (laymens terms).

Unfortunately the US government is freaking annoying and stubborn and refuse to agree with it (in majority) and therefore they continue to mong up the world (yes this makes me angry).

catprog makes the best point much <3 to that :)


And it doesn't matter if you believe that Global Warming is a farce or a "Natural" thing..

Check out any major city and look at the smog. Breathing in that crap is not healthy. Even if you don't care about raising temperatures, you should care about what you breath in. 


Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)