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For me it's obviously indies. My 2 favorite genres are dominated by indies. Horror (Penumbra, Amnesia, Outlast, A Machine for Pigs, Darkness within and so on) and Survival games (Don't starve, State of Decay etc) and beautiful games in the future that combine the 2 two genres like 'The Forest' which looks absolutely terrifying! (please look up the new trailer!) And I can see myself spending all my time hiding in my self build log cabin XD

I'm not against AAA games or anything, I'm loving the hell out of Batman Arkham City at the moment, but if I could only play one or the other for the rest of my life then it would probably be indies.

If it was a choice between indies and AA titles though that would be much harder for me, because I'm a huge fan of the 'Tales of' games and JRPG's in general =/