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kber81 said:

@ your mother

Someone already mentioned you can't directly compare cheap HD-DVD players and Blu-Ray players because of relevant difference in quality (support for 1080 resolution). Quality HDDVD equivalent costs the same.

BTW... longer I'm here the stronger feeling everything was already discussed.

That's not the point I wanted to stress: The point was there are in fact HD-DVD players out there that are considerably cheaper than the cheapest Blu-Ray player on the market. Put another way: Is Blu-Ray really twice as good as HD-DVD to warrant paying double the price for a player?

Whether the quality is better or not is not the issue - there are DVD players ranging anywhere from less than 15 bucks all the way up to about 3000 bucks.

I have zero doubt in my mind that the 3000-dollar DVD player is better on all fronts compared to a sub-15-dollar DVD player. The question is: is it worth the extra 2985 dollars?

No. Not for me. Not for most people. Not for all but the most stinking rich technophiles who really have nothing better to do with their money - at all. Ditto that for HD media.


Edit: This isn't about comparing cheap players or anything of the sort. My comment was addressing Blue3's remark:

"They for the most part get the same reviews, you can get a BR player for 469.99 on amazon.  Wheres a hddvd player for $235 ? Toshiba care more LOL."

I just showed him that in fact, $235 HD-DVD players are in fact available in the market right now, and that isn't even the cheapest model available; the $400+ Blu-Ray player, in contrast, is the absolute cheapest on on the market right now.