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DMeisterJ said:
What do you think about GGE getting banned? A little Harsh.

What do you think about Wiiforever? Little freak, sick in the head, poor guy.

Do you have the hots for OkeyDokey? No.

Are you bipolar? No, my ex was, you'd know bipolar when you see it.

Are you mean? I can be, but I'm usually a nice guy.

Do you have a bladder infection? No.

how many times do you blink your eye per day? The same amount of times I blink my other eye.

How many hair follacles are on your head? Dunno.

Do you ever take off your sunglasses? Yes.

How many packs per day do you smoke? One pack of 40 every 2-3 days.

How much do you expect the PS3 to sell this year? Total of 17 million by years end.

What console fanboy are you? Nintendo Wii/DS

Favorite food? Pizza (How original ay?)

Least Favorite Food? Stews.

Favorite TV Show? The Simpsons, Family Guy, South Park and LOST.

Least Favorite TV Show? Home & Away.

have I asked too many questions? No.