Lawlight said:
tbone51 said:
Did you walts in the Killzone thread or Knack thread and say "this wont be GOTY"? No offense last time i checked Killzone is the most hyped game this holiday season and In the 8th generation Handhelds and Home Consoles This Zelda Game is the only one with at least a 90 with Sony exclusives not even reaching past a 75 (except for one) for both ps3+ps4
Funnily enough, as usual, this year again, the PS3 will be the system with the highest number of GOTY-award winning games will be.
Who cares LoZ>>>>>>>>>All of Sony's Exclusives aside from one in metacritic. Actually how many exclusives made it over 90 on meta beside the last of us this year?
Not more than nintendo
edit: Ni no Kuni is the second highest rated exclusive ps3 game with an 85. Nice try though