#49 - The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks (DS)
Yes, my number 49 is Spirit Tracks and it's the Zelda game I needed to wash out the salt from the experience I had with Phantom Hourglass.
As a sequel, it does exactly what they need to do. That in turn is to improve all the bard parts, which it certainly did. We can go from controls, transportation to soundtrack, story. Overall, it was a much smoother experience where I had a blast playing through and the game actually made use of new interesting mechanics, like for example Phantom controlling and the train system. The train system was a good addition, since it wouldn't be fun traversing with boat yet again and for me it kept the Wind Waker line fresh.
Now all that's left to do is to play ALBW sooner or later, but never never. I'll post hint 48 soon.
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