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Wyrdness said:
Michael-5 said:


You're the one who keeps harping on about the bee suit even now I don't even need to address this point because I never even elevated the bee suit and instead highlighted other aspects of Galaxy you just seem hung on the bee suit for some reason. I also have to face/palm at the blind comment because it is a key example of what I've been pointing out in your whole stance, you've taken some vague similarities and based your stance on it, no need to even repeat myself same with the contradictions.

Your argument is the are no two similar Mario games were ever released on the same console right, Lost Levels whether SMB2 or not is a follow up to SMB and was released on the same console, no argument can deny this no matter how badly you want it to you were flat out wrong. Your stance with omitted games is inconsistent because you're listing games by HAL laboratories, Rare and so on who are second party and so on yet collaborations like PG don't count.

Your Zelda views tell me you don't venture into the series at all and like Mario have formed a view on vague information, SWS is not more action focused then previous games it's more tactical and puzzle like in almost all of the actions from combat to doing simple actions like opening the bosses chambers through the mechanics while in previous games puzzles were much more lighter and traditional from finding a hidden key to activating a switch, the most action focused Zelda game is TP.

Your analogy is flawed to the context of your stance and I'll give you one that describes things perfectly, if I eat and orange yes it's an orange but if go to another country and eat a fruit that looks like an orange but tastes different chances are it's not an orange and could be another citrus fruit. Vague similarities don't mean something is the same, if someone buys every Street Fighter game and neglects to use any of the special moves and mechanics and opts to only use normal moves each then it's down to them the same applies to you with Smash, the majority of fighting games are best played with an arcade stick does that mean they're all the same? No it's just a preferred button layout that one conclusion alon on the controller is mind boggling I'm sorry.

You're the one who keeps bringing up the bee suit and Galaxy in general. I've only really talked about the cat suit, since it's the only new enchancement is see in SM3DW.

Look, just because you disagree with me, doesn't mean my points are vague. How much clearer can I say this, when talking about the lack of creativity with 1st party games developed by Nintendo, I won't count 3rd party games published by Nintendo. This is as clear as I can make it because I never insulted 3rd party games published by Nintendo.

Lost Levels was not released outside of Japan, so no matter how badly you argue this you're wrong. If you lived in Japan and grew up on the Famicom instead of the NES, I'd take your arguement, but 99% of people here grew up on the NES, not the Famicom, which never saw Lost Levels release, and two other Mario games released on the same platform have been as similar.. Galaxy 1 & 2 are the most similar Mario games released on the same console (I would even argue in the Mario Universe outside the Copy and Paste NSMB titles).

As for insoncistancies, Rare was owned by Nintendo in the 90's, so all their games were first Party. HAL isn't Nintendo, but Smash Bros was created by Satoru Iwata, who is the current president of Nintendo. It's his franchise, HAL and Nintendo just split rights for it, but it's his game. So no inconsistancies my friend................ Platinum Games doesn't evenly exclusively develop for Nintendo, Bayonetta 2 is a sequel to a PS3/360 game for goodness sake.

As for your last point about Fruit and Fighters, you agree that the vast Majority of people won't be able to tell the difference between similar Street Fighter or Similar Smash Bros games right? If you eat and orange from two different countries and it tastes similar, you won't argue that one isn't an orange now would you? Kinda supporting me here.

Fighting games with a stick, they appear the same on the surface, but between games the difference can be as big as Oranges to Grapefruits. Brawl and Melee are still oranges, Street Fighters are still grapefruit.


P.S. I own every Zelda, so it kinda shows you how much peoples opinions can differ. Like I said, with the fruits, you're far too technical. I'm arguing Apples and Oranges, and you're arguing Tangerines and.....other small oranges.

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