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I would have agreed with MGS if 4 wasn't such an utter disappointment. Coming off 3, which is one of my favorite games of all time, 4 was almost soul crushingly bad to me. Like, I can see why some people would like it, because the whole thing is complete and total fan service all the way through, but that's really all it is. Almost no gameplay (I kept track, my second playthrough took me less than 4 hours due to skipping cutscenes), there were no really fresh elements, they took out the survival elements that I loved, the story was mostly a mesh up of things that they had already used in the other games......and the worst part, you barely even feel like a participant in any of it. It really was like watching an overly stretched out movie. I mean I LOVE MGS, and Phantom Pain looks like exactly what the doctor ordered, but MGS 4 wasn't a good game. It was great fan service, but a terrible game.

Wow....that was off topic huh?

I'll agree with GTA (overlooking the fact that 4 in that franchise ALSO sucked. Must be thing with the number 4).
NBA 2K is always getting better. If not always in large steps, but that's to be expected.
Halo for me as well (though again...4 moved things up with story and visuals, but multiplayer and customisation through forge took a hit. Seriously....what is it with the number 4? Somebody tell Valve to forget worrying about 3, as long as they skip Half Life 4 everything's gonna be ok)
Forza and Gran Tourismo always improve

That's all I got atm