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F0X said:
Michael-5 said:
F0X said:

Bravo. Seven is a lucky number. Mario Kart 7 has a  "community" system. And the 3DS is all about playing games in 3D. Stereoscopic 3D, that is. *evil laughter*

All that work trying to get someone to say FFVII was worth it.

#49. Mario Kart 7 (3DS)

I have a confession to make: I was never a huge Mario Kart fan until I played Mario Kart 7. The main draw for me was the drifting mechanics, which remind me of Nintendo's best racing franchise: F-Zero. So, MK7 became the first Mario Kart game I've ever earned three stars in, and the first Nintendo-developed game I've spent more than ten hours playing online. Brilliant racing game. Mario Kart 8 looks to be even better (and more like F-Zero), so for the first time ever, I'm immensely hyped for a game in this series.

OH! I get how FF 7 was a hint now. When you said this is the games first appearance into 3D gaming, I didn't think you ment stereoscopic 3D, I thought you meant in game.

I can't play Mario Kart on Handhelds. It's just not fun without friends behind you to yell at.

More reason to expect Mario Kart 8 to be the greatest racing game ever.

Maybe, I much prefer MK64 over MK Wii. Wii is fun, but just too hecktic, the game...pardon the pun...depends on lunk far too much. MK64 and Super MK largely depended on skill.

I'll still get MK8, but it might be my last Mario Kart ever (unless I have kids down the road).

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