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Aerys said:
curl-6 said:
forevercloud3000 said:

I'm saying if you are interested in the big 3rd party multiplats (many of which will/are skipping WiiU) as well as the many media features that come with XBO/PS4 and the 2nd screen functions.....PS4 is the better route. If you enjoy Nintendo franchises that much you will assuredly get the WiiU, but if thats not a factor then it comes down to money and convenience. You could get a WiiU which is only 300 but you will miss out on all the big titles exclusive and multiplat only between PS4/XBO. You could get another console as well.....but thats mostly a waste when you could get PS4 and Vita, have both for less.

But if you get just a PS4 you'll be missing all Wii U's exclusives. No matter which way you cut it, $300 is less than $600 for the same feature.



You're not honest.


You dont pay $600  just for the same thing.


You pay $600 to get  the Vita and the PS4, most powerful next gen console, so you can get both platforms exclusives and games that wont be on Wii U, that's much more  than what you get  with the Wii U only for $300, much better value.


To get an equivalent , you have to buy Xbox One + Wii U

XBONE + Wii U and + 3DS since Vita by itself is a very good portable.