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ChronotriggerJM said:
elnino334 said:
ChronotriggerJM said:
@Elmino, of course people can read the boxes, but as we've seen with the PS3 40g lacking of backwards compatibility, thats not always the case ;) It's the same deal here. And all I said was that it's confusing >_>; which it is... I'm not going to bring a pencil and notepad to the store to write down what each console does or doesn't do, and talking to a sales rep can be a mixed bag of usefulness as most of us here know :/

I guess all in all, if I question the arcade, and someone says it's a gimpy version of the premium, I know which one I'm NOT going to buy.

Your last sentence is the key! If the sales person tells you it is a gimpier version which by all practical purposes it is though it explains the cheaper price tag then you can decide to buy it or not. I am sorry but I just don't see what is so confusing. I mean quite literally the difference in the sku's is the hard drive as in one has it, another has one with 20 gigs and finally the third one has a 120 gig. The rest like the 5 free games from the arcade or the black finish of the elite is just preference. In the end which ever system you get for the most part you will be able to play about 95% of the games with the prospect of just picking up that hard drive if you wanted to get that other 5% or all the other bells and whistles. I mean in time the pro might seem like a gimp version once we start filling it up and those people will *gasp* buy the 120 gig hard drive if they so desire. Hey I am not saying is the best deal or value but those are the options available and quite frankly don't think is that hard to follow.


Fair enough I suppose ^^ I'm just not down for having to buy add-ons to do certain things. So the only difference between all these models is Hard drive? Or is there more? Also do you need a hard-drive to play online?

There are different accessories, cables, and games included but the only functional difference is the HDD in the current versions of the 3 SKU's. You can get online and play multiplayer games without a harddrive.