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Wyrdness said:
fatslob-:O said:

Then why are all three new consoles using off the shelf PC graphics cards then ? We all know that AMD doesn't have enough money to keep developing special GPU architectures LOL. Something tells me that you don't go to PC specific sites! I just go there to check out some news and reviews.

Your the one bringing out the jail card here LOL. I obviously acknowledged that the WII U can obtain better graphics. Why don't you go back a few pages and realize that. That "I game on PC" statement made you look mad suspect son LMAO. You still doin't get what I mean by that statement!

No I merely supported the that sentiment. Know the difference between "likely" and "concrete". I vouched for the former. 

There's no excuse for the WII U! The WII U became very close to a PC and a PC specifically depends on it's GPU to do the work for them in games just as the WII U is mostly dependent on it's GPU to do the same. The fact that it had to be specially optimized to take advantage of the newer architecture just goes to show you. A $100 dollar card at LAUNCH such as the hd 5670 is supposed to rape last gen consoles in terms of performance but apparently developers are having issues providing some clear advantage as shown in games like COD and batman. Especially in a game like call of duty! 

The one here scared is you. I can come to terms that the WII U may be weaker than the ps360 in some ways but as for you that's the different story. As for the rest, your copping out extremely hard LOL. Damage controlling about those ports LOLOL. You just showed your true intent here. The WII U shouldn't even have an issue if it was truly more powerful! Your damage controlling sounds something of that an apologist. The PS4 and X1 don't have issues outing their last gen counterparts so why should the WII U have any issues of doing it ? (You'll probably offer more damage controlling on this one.)

Oh dear you've shot yourself here, the original Xbox used off the shelf parts it's close to a PC right? The GPUs in all three consoles are custom, MS/Sony were supplied with a base GPU which they both did their own customizations to them hence why XB1 has bottlenecks, Wii U no one knows what it is, the new consoles use a GPGPU type architecture that makes development across platforms easier that's about the only main connection to PC it's so a game can be created on PC then easily ported down, the hardware how ever doesn't work in the same manner as PC it's still the same more efficient console design. You know what else used their GPUs more then their CPUs older consoles but are they close to PCs no.

From everything I've read the customizations are very minor. The architectures of both the PS4 and Xb1 chips are virtually identical to GPU hardware that's out already or about to come out on PC (GCN 2.0 has the features Sony used for GPGPU on PS4). The CPUs are both X86 and essentially two quad cores put together. Both consoles are more PC-like than ever before.

The main differences come from the shared pool of RAM and the other custom chips that support the main APU.