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fatslob-:O said:
Wyrdness said:
fatslob-:O said:

I couldn't care less about gaf. It doesn't matter if I have conrete evidence. I look for what's the most consistent. The performance so far says the very differently from the possible specs! Why are you getting so defensive ?

You're the one getting defensive, I just pointed out that through out the whole year we've had speculation from people declaring it's this that using the same logic you're implying yet months later the whole speculation would change, you yourself from your own reply seem upset about this being brought up. At this point most of us as a result are only taking note from credible sources not people on the internet who claim to be working inside and know secrets about area 51 and so on. Anyone on the net can come across as an insider by taking a bit of info here and some speculation there and wording it right that's the point and one you seem annoyed about, if these so called insiders were really who they say they were then we wouldn't have conflicting speculation to begin with they would of got the info right off the go. As it stands they could be the cleaner in Gearboxes offices who overheard someone else speculating for all we know and the whole cycle seems to be one person says something other people say the same and follow it until it changes much later, whether you care about GAF is irrelevant as that's where all of this started and came from.

Your own official sources will never hand out secret info to anyone so why bother ?

@Bold I ain't too sure about that LOL. After all people keep saying that the internet is filled with sony fans. 

Conflicting speculation ? You either take it or leave it and BTW some hackers already confirmed what thw WII Us CPU is, I also wonder if he's just speculating too ? /sarcasm

FYI some of those rumors never change and infact would become a fact. 

Your guys at shin'en didn't deny the specs the WII U had, they only confirmed that it wasn't downgraded. A part of the "anonymous" rumors are being furthered by the the truth such as it's low power consumption and performance shown so far. 

A console's performance in its first year is not an accurate assessment of its capabilties. Developers are unfamiliar with the hardware, performance will improve as they become accustomed to it, just like any console.