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Carl2291 said:
selnor1983 said:

Its not been rushed. A handful of people helped on Horizon. The other 130 employees started work on Forza 5 2 years ago. They have been involved with Xbox One from day 1. I think its really bad to have older build models in a game like GT5. Its pretty crap actually. Looks terrible and should be taken out.

Cars and tracks will need more detail in this new generation. Id rather have the game now and download more later. Or end up with Gran Turismo scenario. Prologue, special edition, Bog log etc.

Game looks and plays so much better than current gen

If it hasnt been rushed then why do we only have 14(!) tracks at launch? For a racing sim thats terrible selnor. You know it and I know it. Especially when 2 of said tracks are airstrip test tracks. 2 Years quite clearly wasnt/isnt long enough.

Its a shell of the game it should be. Its been rushed for launch where it should have had an extra Year. Hell, the game is unplayable without the day 1 patch.

And stop trying to deflect by using Gran Turismo.

"Forza 5 only has 14 tracks and 200 cars" - "Yeah but Gran Turismo...!"... No.

I dont care how bad Gran Turismo is. Stop telling me GTs bad points. That stinks of desperation. The problem here is that they care far, far too much about the visuals and theyre shipping half a game.

Oh come on now GT has done much worse then this before with GT5: Prolouge.  People where also complaing that Forza Horizon only launched with 136 car but they fail to realize thats more then twice as many cars then most other arcade racers have.  Its main rival Need For Speed: Most Wanted (2012) only launched with 63 cars.