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Here's some advice to help you guys decide if the "important sites" are BS-ing you.


1. Look at multiple "main" sources

2. Check platform specific  sources

3. AND THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE, Check the USER REVIEWS. This is spcially good, because it comes directly from your people that have had experience with the game, or have the same taste as you. They talk about the game, and how it plays, rather than how it stacks up or tech stuff. 


For example:

Wii sports

technically, not the best game in history. Sites rated it with an average 7.5 

 but the game has much more to it as the experience and fun it brings, is un-ratable. The user review was around 9.5


Why, well, even thought it's not squirting the juice out of the wii or whatnot, people like it, and most likely you'll like it.  That is why user reviews are IMO the most sinsere source of a review.