Normando said: @Kyliedog @ Mr Puggsly. So pretty much we have both of you stating your opinions about the CoD campaign without saying it was just your opinion. Followed by several pages of "You're dumb! No you're dumb! You didn't say it was just your opinion! No you never said it was just your opinion! Well, you have no life! No, you have no life!" or did I miss something? Try not to break any nails guys. Oh, and on topic. I think it's weird that the regular BF games have bad stories since I really liked the story in bad company 2. So we know they CAN do a good story mode. Also, I think CoD is hit or Miss. I liked the campaigns in the first two MW games and World at War. I couldn't finish BO and didn't like MW3 or BLOPS2. |
Hah! Some people get angry when you don't trash CoD's campagins. The personal attacks were mostly his doing. It was good fun though.
Creating a campaign similar to the Bad Company games seems like the obvious thing to do. Given people actually like those campaigns.
I feel the missions in the BF seires should be large open maps to explore and you just have to make it to the objective points. But you can explore the areas and complete side missions, find hidden items, etc. I want more Crysis and less linear galley shooter.
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