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KylieDog said:
Mr Puggsly said:
KylieDog said:

You were the one who got pissy, I already pointed that out several posts ago.  Do something with your life because the fact you care enough about thread views to post suggests you live an especially lacking life.

Plus you're still wrong.

No, you got pissy when I said your comment was useless. You clearly snapped. Go look back and read.

Uhmmm... you're on a forum getting pissy about CoD campaigns and you have significantly more posts than me. Perhaps you're projecting feelings of your lack of life. Your attacks are getting personal, its adorable.

Plus, CoD campaigns are solid. Not amazing, but solid.

Everything you are doing or have been accused of you try to accuse me of.  Not only are you showing yourself up for not just admitting your blanket statement was wrong, but you're also unoriginal.

Me: CoD is about the multiplayer as well. Yet year after year they make a solid campaign.
You: No they don't... (Your opinoin and useless response.)
Me: Thanks for the useless response. You're a great contributor to this forum.
You: Don't get pissy because I called your BS statement. (BOOM! You got angry and started using foul language.)

The fact is you snapped, but its okay. I forgive you. You didn't respect my opinion so I didn't respect yours. The end.

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