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selnor1983 said:
Chandler said:
I don't believe it unless it is The Walking Dead style "move forward to advance through the scene"-gameplay. Not that this is a bad thing since I am currently enjoying TWD (yeah I'm late). It's just...the way his hand reacts to the debris, I don't think you can actually move freely in this scene.

Well after playing Uncharted ( where Nathan reacts to putting his hand out against obects etc when moving near them or past them ) this seems a logical progression to me. Especially considering the extra horse power. After all Remedy and Naughty Dog actually talk alot together. They are good friends actually. Remedy are fully capable to make this happen all through the game.

It is one thing to do this when there is a solid wall but another thing if there are like a million objects floating in mid-air. The path the player takes in the gif is just too perfect, there is only this one big piece of debris to move out of the way. I don't think that you could leave the predetermined path and walk through the rubble in another spot or even walk around it.


I am not knocking the game, it looks very good but in a world where content from beyond and twd qualifies as gameplay (essentially holding the "play" button to advance through a predetermined scene) and because this game will be tied in with an actual tv show (heavily story driven and story bound), I'm putting my expectations on this kind of gameplay.

Ongoing bet with think-man: He wins if MH4 releases in any shape or form on PSV in 2013, I win if it doesn't.