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"In america it will be at least 4-8 years before a new broadband network will become mainstream. A BluRay movie is around 30gb in size. I can download at around 300k/s. That's about 24 hours to download that. If I were to somehow get a 10x faster internet connection, it would still take 2.5 hours. "

I've been downloading HD south parks and it only takes about 1 1/2 hour. 22 minutes of 1080 video and sound. I'm using comcasts 4 Mb/sec. They offer 8 mb/sec. Faster services will be available within a year and a half (in my non-major metro area). A full (2 hr. )HD movie should take 5 hours using existing technology. This is a bottleneck and needs to be improved upon, but will be very quickly. IT kind of touches on the Net neutrality debate.

"Unable to stream it. However the drain on the server to do that would be quite intensive. "
This is totally wrong. Your just downloading the file, not running it off of their server. Xbox live is already doing this.

"I dont see digital distribution of HD content for the next 10-20 years. Hell, I'd be happy with digital distribution of DVD quality. Screw something 10x larger than DVD quality. DVD is barely 10 years old. BluRay will be supreme when HD-download content is out."

A lot can happen in 10-20 years. The WWW has only been around for about 15. Why would it take 10-20 years when it only took 1 1/2 for music. Given the MP3 model, I'm sure that the distributers are already looking at how that played out. Call me crazy, but if I can buy something without actually leaving my house and its cheaper, Im in!