By using this site, you agree to our Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use. Close me both versions look great, there's not much in it and we are still behind PC (but pretty close). And so I ask, what's the big deal? Reviewers won't care which one has an extra cloud in the background in certain scenes, nor will they care if there's a small texture difference. They'll care how it lookhoverall, and that's currently amazing.

When you're playing the game, you're never gonna notice these tiny differences, and why would you care anyway? You're gonna be playing the game on your shiny new console, which you'll have sunk over £400 in. These small differences are insignificant to the clear step up on offer overall.

As far as I'm concerned, the only people this affects are those die-hards who are set on proving one system is better or worse than another, so much so to potentially ruin the fun of a new game, and new console, launch. It's what causes massive threads full of huge quote trees of tiny, insignificant faults in order to try and one-up the supporter of another system. And that's fine, I enjoy a hearty debate probably more than the next person. But at the end of the day, both versions of the game look amazing. And I know I'm going to enjoy it, regardless of what platform I get it on. Why more people can't just think the same way is a mystery to me.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.