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First and foremost. 

That is a good example of how how BluRay and HD-DVD are doing in sales at

BluRay and HD-DVD are nearly identical in terms of the formats. The media is the biggest diffrence. BluRay... if I'm not mistaken, is cheaper to make, more storage, and faster read speeds. More options for writeable media, required scratch protection. And quite a few other things. That's why I like BluRay.

In all honesty, looking at what moves are comming out from who here lately, it's really starting to look like 9/10 blockbuster movies are exclusive to BluRay.


For those of you who say HD-DVD is like PS3, and will catch up. Actually, HD-DVD had the early start, and sold 4x better than BluRay, BluRay did the turn-around, and the gap between BluRay and HD-DVD is growing more every day. HD-DVD has nothing that I am aware of to turn those numbers around, other than the 'cheap' players. But most people who have a HDTV, would be willing to pay more for a high quality player that can play more movies, than a cheapass low quality player, that cant play many blockbuster movies. With Pirates comming out on BluRay recently, and Spidey coming soon. People are gonna see that they cant buy the movies they want on HD-DVD, but they can on BluRay. People will buy BluRay, at a higher cost because of that. And when the BluRay price drop comes later in the year HD-DVD wont have that big of an advantage over BluRay in price.

Yup. Hope you enjoyed the read you anti-sony tards. HD-DVD is doomed... doomed... doomed... Hell, even the x-box guys are saying their home player is doomed. Everyone who says HD-DVD has a chance are from the nintendo group... haha. Also, on the subject of doom, digital download formats will not take over BluRay. In america it will be at least 4-8 years before a new broadband network will become mainstream. A BluRay movie is around 30gb in size. I can download at around 300k/s.  That's about 24 hours to download that. If I were to somehow get a 10x faster internet connection, it would still take 2.5 hours. Unable to stream it. However the drain on the server to do that would be quite intensive. I dont see digital distribution of HD content for the next 10-20 years. Hell, I'd be happy with digital distribution of DVD quality. Screw something 10x larger than DVD quality. DVD is barely 10 years old. BluRay will be supreme when HD-download content is out.

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!