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DragonLord said:

I don't like it. But different strokes for different folks.

I have a cousin that bought Burnout Paradise on 360 and he owns a core. His mom picked it up for him (she doesn't know the slightest thing about gaming)and he didn't know that the core couldn't play Burnout Paradise online. So needless to say, he was furious after opening and playing it. And Walmart (like most stores) won't let you return opened games, etc., so he was stuck with it.

Now, I personally, feel it was his fault for being a moron and not doing his research. But that's easy to say from a forum junkies perspective--we tend to be on top of gaming news. How many other non-hardcore gamers did the same thing?

Once again, not a big deal. But I do think MS would have been better off not creating a core 360. I'm not going to crucify them like a lot of others, but I just don't like the core. It seems like a gimmicky gimp unit to get cheap gamers to buy their product.

As I mentioned at the end I would prefer hard drive as a standard but can understand why they at least tried to do the arcade.  That does suck that the mom picked up the game without reading the box since it is on there that the hard drive is required.  I can see that being an issue.