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Yeah. What is keeping the consumers from buying the blu ray, at least in mass quantities is the price of the players. It will take sony and the rest of the pack a couple of years to bring prices down to a considerable degree. Now, the price for the blu ray movies themselves is getting cheaper all the time. In about 3 weeks, the average price for a blu ray movie off of amazon has dropped $1.40. That is fast.

Still, Sony expects to do well with the blu ray this year. Sony has already made 3 million the first quarter ( Jan-Apr) this year, so I presume that they expect 12-13 million made this year alone. That isn't bad at all. So, while we all agree that blu ray sales aren't really that big of an issue right now, I beleive that it would be a mistake to think that they are miniscule, which seems to be the mood i'm getting round these parts.