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Anyone besides me find a problem with how long this format war is dragging out compared to the average time these disk are likely to be on the market. I don't know I really don't see from my view point right now many people picking up blu-ray disk as opposed to DVD's and don't reallly think this will be the holiday season for that to happen and if you look at the past the VHS tapes were around for about 20 years DVD's only for 10 before a superior technology offering more space came about. If you extrapolate from that and say that blu-ray disk do win this format war but it takes them 2-3 more years at least to knock out HD-DVD's likely having to wait at least a few more years for HDTV saturation to be high enough to make blu-ray the dominant format for home movies. I mean to me personally that looks like the set up for what likely in time would be the release of something like ultra-violet ray which uses a 200nm laser and records onto disk with capacities up to 125GB single layer and has the ability to be octo-layered and hold somewhere around a terabyte of information. I mean that's all just speculation but so is the whole idea of predictiing a winner right now.