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tbone51 said:
Arius Dion said:
tbone51 said:
Arius Dion said:
tbone51 said:
Arius Dion said:
Dr.EisDrachenJaeger said:
Um you do know they are waiting for the bundles right? Just like they were for the Vita.
Its not like they have software really pushing it either

And which bundles are those? WWHD was just bundled wasn't it? And which bundles will push Wii U to a comfortable level?

There were no WW HD bundles in japan... And calm down, you were one of the people who said WWHD bundle wouldn't do anything for US/Europe in my prediction thread. Also said the game was going to sell way lower than fatslob prediction (i think he said like 50k US/ 30k Europe).

The bundles will help and you cant expect a comfortable level wen it was doing so terrible.  Do you expect wiiu to just start selling 150k WW a week or something? WiiU is doing much better than it was, and so is vita even though it dropped down sales this week

I'm calm. But I hope you realize just how pathetic wii u's sales are if your estimations and expectations are so low. Wii u sales with wind waker were still crummy, so my ? Is what game will propel the system? And at what point does one admit the Wii U is in dire straits? Or will we just pretend the Gamecube wasn't a failure and Wii U following in its foot steps isn't a bad thing at all. 

i was pointing at how you were wrong then you totally switched the conversation to WiiU selling terrible lol. Yeahhhh Im done. Dont want to admit your wrong fine, i kno wiiu sales suck. That wasn't want i was talking about,you clearly said in the Prediction thread something and it was wrong. Anywayz good luck bro :0

You were pointing out how wrong I was in a prediction thread, great. Wasn't the first one to be off won't be the last. You bringing that up is rather irrelevant though no? I'm talking about Wii U sales present day, not a prediction, and observing, honestly and objectively that they are pathetic. I'm wondering what game is going to change that.

You seem to want to defend a corporation as if its a family member I made fun of lol. Which is probably your knee jerk reaction to point out a prediction I made. Yes I was wrong : )  

people get predictions wrong, not a big deal, but you said some a**hole things so thats why i brought it up. Say wat you will bout me, im a big fan so yes i defened it. I just dont like wen somebody says something and get it wrong then say and obvious negative remarkanyway EX: Vita wont sell over 25k in japan next week [ It sells 60k] then same person says " 3DS outsold vita anyway 4:1 " That to me is childish, people did it with wiiu, they said pricecut wont do a thing at all, then it does and same people say its still underperforming..... Well No ****

I've said some asshole things, lol? I can't remember that. Though you're probably right. I don't recall anyone saying the price cut wouldn't help, just that it wouldn't provide a prolonged increase. I agree with you, I believe that is childish, but equally childish is playing power ranger for a corporation.

Also, sometimes being a fan means being critical. I question why Wii U is floundering, is it the Gamepad? is it the games that are being greenlit? What is the reason? But there are obvious problems Nintendo is facing, and I'm not going to sugarcoat the fact its sales performance is completely dismal.  Saying 'no shit' only deflects the real question of 'why'  

Bet between Slimbeast and Arius Dion about Wii sales 2009:

If the Wii sells less than 20 million in 2009 (as defined by VGC sales between week ending 3d Jan 2009 to week ending 4th Jan 2010) Slimebeast wins and get to control Arius Dion's sig for 1 month.

If the Wii sells more than 20 million in 2009 (as defined above) Arius Dion wins and gets to control Slimebeast's sig for 1 month.