Arius Dion said:
tbone51 said:
Arius Dion said:
Dr.EisDrachenJaeger said: Um you do know they are waiting for the bundles right? Just like they were for the Vita. Its not like they have software really pushing it either |
And which bundles are those? WWHD was just bundled wasn't it? And which bundles will push Wii U to a comfortable level?
There were no WW HD bundles in japan... And calm down, you were one of the people who said WWHD bundle wouldn't do anything for US/Europe in my prediction thread. Also said the game was going to sell way lower than fatslob prediction (i think he said like 50k US/ 30k Europe).
The bundles will help and you cant expect a comfortable level wen it was doing so terrible. Do you expect wiiu to just start selling 150k WW a week or something? WiiU is doing much better than it was, and so is vita even though it dropped down sales this week
I'm calm. But I hope you realize just how pathetic wii u's sales are if your estimations and expectations are so low. Wii u sales with wind waker were still crummy, so my ? Is what game will propel the system? And at what point does one admit the Wii U is in dire straits? Or will we just pretend the Gamecube wasn't a failure and Wii U following in its foot steps isn't a bad thing at all.
i was pointing at how you were wrong then you totally switched the conversation to WiiU selling terrible lol. Yeahhhh Im done. Dont want to admit your wrong fine, i kno wiiu sales suck. That wasn't want i was talking about,you clearly said in the Prediction thread something and it was wrong. Anywayz good luck bro :0