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MikeB said:

@ Markus

There's are differences if you want to make this comparison. Top High definition movies now are quite abundant, unlike PS3 games, movies won't suddenly start to make use of the PS3's SPUs and make them stand out in comparison to the competition.

- If we look at the Blu-Ray line-up many more titles which sold well on DVD (or did well at the cinemas) will be Blu-Ray exclusives, much more so than is the case the other way around.

- The major PS3 blockbusters we already know to be under development are yet to be released. And it's not strange that these heavy hitters are being released later on as the games development of major blockbusters often span multiple years of development.

So, IMO there's little to no comparison to be made.


I know that it isn't the exact same situation, that's a given. But they are comparable enough that I can point out the facts that I did.

 You say that they can't be compared because high definition movies exist in abundance? So do high definition games, they are just all for the Xbox360. The article states higher sale rates for blue ray movies, and Xbox360 games are selling better than PS3 games.

 And while most people are clinging to good old regular DVD's, the PS2 and Wii are dominating the sales charts every month.

 I'd say there is a lot to compare there...