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First, on topic, as long as fighting games go to Namco, all is well. They have some great franchises they should bring back regardless, I think the fighting game genre is one severely lacking in the West.

Mr Puggsly said:

They could make a ton of money just offering exclusivity to Microsoft or Sony. Clearly that's why Dead Rising 3 is a X1 exclusive.

This makes me wonder, there are many games that Capcom or others produce that, while potentially good games, don't sell as many as they could. Remember Me being a good example, made by a new smallish studio and Published by Capcom yet has only sold 200 thousand copies. It's the kind of game that if a bit of money hatting was involved (and a bit more development) you could have had a X1 or PS4 launch title which would have silly amount of hype for no reason, sell lots and could have spawned sequals, making more money for Capcom and the development team.

Hmm, pie.