cbarroso09 said:
I only love persons not objects. I said something new, it doesn't have to be like the gamepad at all. But watching the "nostalgia" TV ad from Playstation, I realized that the console hasn't changed at all, neither the games. Every PS hardware experience has been replaced by the next one because of that same thing I am saying, it is the same hardware with better technology. For the last 20 years, Playstation hardware has only changed from CD's to DVD's to Blu Rays to a small touch pad that so far hasn't been shown in action 1 month before it is launched. Not even a demo. But if that is what gamers want they will open their wallets to buy the PS4. That is not bad, it doesn't have to be like I say. It is just my opinion, and i am not hating anything here. Just expressing my thoughts. |
Changing from CDs to DVDs was a pretty big innovation. Dvds were still in their infancy and not that popular yet. Sony bet big on them and won. Hell, even using CDs on the PS1 was a massive risk considering all other CD based consoles flopped. The Blu-ray jump was less successful but payed off over time. The PS4 is probably the safest Playstation, but Sony has taken plenty of risks over the years.
Sigs are dumb. And so are you!