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ListerOfSmeg said:
Well I think you have to look at the hype behind each game. Beyond, like most PS games, was called AAA must own. I don't recall many people saying the same for W101 or Puppeteer. Both were consider niche titles especially W101. Platinum games are not known for great sales so I doubt anyone expected it to be a chart buster.
Also have to look at the install base. W101 was on a console with an install base of 3.5 million. Beyond was on a console with 80million.
Last thing we need to consider is budget. Beyond had the highest budget out of any of the other games being mentioned.
I would say when all the facts are considered its easy to see the game flopped pretty hard.

I'm a guy that actually likes to bash the PS3 (despite actually owning one) and I'm still a huge fan of cinematic games like Beyond.  Either I should be taking pride in calling out "PS3 fanboys" for their unrealistic expectations or I should have been hyping the game up prior to release.  I just don't remember anybody hyping this game beyond graphical prowess.  Even CGI, one of our biggest Sony supporters and fellow cinematic game fan approached this game with realistic expectations.  I just don't see where this game was over-hyped like PASBR (failed to live up to fanboy expectations) or Last of Us (succeeded) or anything.  Honestly, I think Beyond is doing about as well as expected.