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kupomogli said:
Kasz216 said:

i'd say it's similarties lie far more then just in that it involves nations however.


The Church of Glabados is way too similar to the Holy Lodis order for example.

Or the Zodiac Stones.   The Saint Ajora version of the story, is basically exactly the same as the Ogre Battle version.

They both thought their was 12, but there was actually 13.

The villians goal in FFT is to ressurect Ultima so they can come and go as they please from the underworld and take over the world.  Ultima gets ressurected but if defeated before she unleashes her true power.

The villians goal in Ogre Battle is to ressurect Diablo (or in other games, various others) who will all the gate to the underworld to be open.  Allowing the ogres to come and go as they please and take over the world.  They zenobian heroes have to beat Diablo before he awakens his full power.

The only real difference is that the gem they are assosiated with is changed.


Argus and Delita mostly just seem like Lawful and Chaos Vice.  Split to get rid of the complaints most people had about vice, who couldn't realize that basically Vice was operating his self identity from what he wasn't, and not from what he was... which is fairly common place in politics.


The story of FF Tactics mostly seems like a reworking of one of the many untold Ogre Batle episodes.


The Zodiac Braves and Ajora/ultima, are no doubt just the Zodiac Disciples and Diablo.  I could go on and on with the paralels between specific character themes and in general some characters who legitalimly may be crossovers given different endings... but I think i've already made a fairly decent point as far as it just being "Similar storytelling".

Most games are about some bad guy trying to take over the world by awakening some evil god or through some sort of artifact.  Just because Ogre Battle March of the Black Queen makes mention of the zodiacs and all Ogre Battle games have that same niche concept, doesn't mean that it's not a Final Fantasy.   Ogre Battle 64 and the Tactics Ogre games don't make mention of the zodiacs.

Not only that, but the zodiac stones don't play an integral part of the story.  In Ogre Battle March of the Black Queen they actually play no part in the story other than a line of text here and there.  The black diamond alone is used call Diablo from the underworld.  The zodiac stones are supposed to be able to stop the ogres from being summoned.  You can go through the entire game without hearing about any of the zodiac stones except when Rashidi mentions the black diamond at the end.  Final Fantasy Tactics on the other hand, the zodiac stones hold the power of Lucavi.  They're not needed to get into the underworld, and only one is required for Alma to turn into Saint Ajora. 

With Final Fantasy 2 and 6, I generalized the main story because I'm sure you've finished them, but Final Fantasy 2 and 6 both have the empire at war with the other countries in the world and the rebels or returners.  In Final Fantasy 2, Emperor Palemecia summons Pandemonium, which as a gateway to hell he uses to summon demons in order to take over the world.  In Final Fantasy 6, the emperor and Kefka find the God Statues and after Kefka kills the emperor, he realigns the statues to destroy the world and gain a whole bunch of power.

So yeah.  No zodiac stones, but not much different really.

Except he lifts complete other concepts as well.... and the same guy wrote the game.  Who had numerous sequels already planned.


Again.  Look into the actual backstory of the Zodiac stones.  Damn near identical.  That isn't just some coincidence... it was written by the same guy.  If you'll note In FF Tactics... the Zodiac stones are supposed to have been created/came from heaven and given to the Zodiac Braves.  Just like in Tactics Ogre.

They are supposed to stop the evil demon who was summoned by a king via an unholy contract. (Just like Ogres can do.)  Again, it's the exact same story as Tactics Ogre.


Hell, compare FFT to the other "Ivalice" games and the whole thing becomes even more strikingly obvious... as FFT is way more similar to Ogre Batle then it is FF12 or FF Advance ever was in theme or tone.  (Though FF12 again uses similar Ogre Battle tones.)

Hell the Lucavi return in FF12... but as espers... what's that about?


The similarties are so obvious i'm really baffled at how you can't see the connection.  Espeically if you played both Tactics games on the PS1 within the short window of release time between each other.

(Yes TO was an SNES release, but only in Japan.)


Heck, there is a reason why fans pretty much merge the two settings together when doing fan made works... example


really at worst you could call it a spiritual successor to the Ogre franchise.


A longer... and yet, not comprehensive list of stuff.


That's without getting into the various ogre franchise refrences in Vagrant Story suggesting it was the same world.  (Though that COULD of been due to localization, since the translors apparently specifically stated Vagrant Story and Tactics Ogre happened around the same time.  Which... huh?)