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Just to respond to the large group of dumb bastards who "agree with the graphics score."

You guys are obviously Wii-hating fanboys. The review said the game got that score because it looked like slightly upgraded Melee characters, or something along those lines, and that's all we got, instead of a real explination.

When the best looking game on a console only gets an 8.5, then that indicates a mistake in the review process, be it reviewer bias, or incompitence.

The reason for the Melee to Brawl comparisons in this topic is to show how huge the difference actually is, and why their reasoning is so retarded.

Know the facts before you post, instead of incessantly trolling the latest Wii game that's better than anything on the PS3, so far.

And yes, I own a PS3, and we need some freakin' games like this on the system, I don't care how much you deny it.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.