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Sony still has some huge games coming out to the PS3 and I am not even considering third party games. This is especially true if you like Japanese style games.

Gran Turismo 6

Final Fantasy X-X2 HD

Tales of Xillia 2

Tales of Symphonia Chronicles

Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD Remix

Ratchet and Clank Into Nexus

Blazblue Chrono Phantasma

Aquapazza Aqua Dream Match

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure All Star Battle

The Guided Fate Paradox

Until Dawn

Plus potentially


Last Guardian


I know not all those games are huge but I think Gran Turismo, Final Fantasy X-X2, Rachet and Clank and some of the Tales games can still do quite well. Is this line up enough to delay your PS4 purchase. Do you have any third party titles you want to mention that will prevent you from getting the new system? 


Let me know.