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Metallicube said:
In the back of my mind I've always thought that the Wii U is nowhere near done.. If this isn't proof right here. 80,000 sales from an HD remake of what most consider to be one of the weakest Zelda titles, and a slim $50 price drop. Now imagine once we start getting the REAL significant games like Mario 3D World, Smash Brothers, Mario Kart 8, Wii Fit U, X, and DKC.. Along with one more $50 price drop. The sky is really the limit with the Wii U, it's just a matter of how far up Nintendo is willing to reach.

This console will probably come in last place, but that doesn't mean it can't end up with respectable, SNES like numbers, and (eventually) end up making a decent profit for Nintendo. I've always said the Wii U will be the SNES to the Wii's NES, in terms of sales comparison and game library, and I still believe that. By that I mean, less sales and success than the Wii but still decent numbers, and will also end up with an arguably stronger library.

And when do you expect that next 50 dollar price drop? Wii U is already losing money and was so before this most recent drop.