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Zero999 said:
DerNebel said:
Zero999 said:
Damagon said:
The WiiU finally selling as much as a dying 8 year old 7th gen console. Good for Nintendo.

I can already see the comments: it's only doing 2x/3x/4x/5x/6x/7x/over 9000x as much as a 8 year old console, it's doomed.

How about: It did 40000 less than you predicted

I fail to see the relation between my misprediction and someone trying to diminish wii u sales.

but since we're in the unrelated stuff subject, over 90 people predicted far too low numbers.

The relations is that you're not really in any position to judge anyones stance on Wii U sales, when you're consistently overpredicting anything related to the Wii U and its sales.