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curl-6 said:
DialgaMarine said:
curl-6 said:
DialgaMarine said:
curl-6 said:
DialgaMarine said:
People actually care about the Wii-U version. Why not just buy it on a next gen console, if you don't want a gimped version?

Wii U is next gen.

And cos I consider the lack of a second screen controller for the PS4 and Xbox One versions to be a gimp.

 PS Vita and PS App say hello lol

But if not having a second screen means my console's RAM isn't cut in half, I think I can live without. But you can have fun playing the superior last gen version if a second means that much to you. ;)

Buying a Vita and a PS4 means paying what, $600 USD for the functionality I get for $350 USD out of the box with Wii U?

I probably won't end up buying Watchdogs on any system frankly.

 Well to be fair, the Vita in itself is a games console. It's not attached the console, can go anywhere, plays it's own games and apps, and it's remote play can be used elsewhere via internet. As well, the PS4 is also significantly more powerful than WIi-U. Yeah, Wii-U is cheaper, but any intelligent consumer would know that PS4 + Vita, though more expensive, offers much more bang for their buck. 

Except intelligent consumers who prefer Nintendo's games.

Wii U seems to offer much for bang for my buck.

 Well, in that case, it's a to-each-his-own scenario. You want to play the same IPs forever, go Nintendo, you want some diversity, go Sony. Nintendo has great classic IPs, whereas Sony is consistently changing it up. It's all about attitude then. I personally feel like PS overall has given me more bang for my buck. :)

0331 Happiness is a belt-fed weapon