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Kasz216 said:
MoHasanie said:
Soonerman said:
Wow, this show is really still on? Damn. Fox must be pretty loyal to them even tho ratings wise it hasn't done crap for several years. Then again, I guess they put Fox on the map.

Its ratings are fine. Its ratings are very young skewing so its able to charge high advertising rates so its still very profitable for Fox. In fact its one of the top 10 most expensive shows for advertisers to pay for still. Plus Fox gets syndication money which is A LOT! 

Well better then fine actually.   It still pulls over 6 million viewers and is on most weeks the most viewed scripted show on sundays.

They aren't at the highs they used to be... but pretty much nobody is.

TV is FAR more diverse then it used to be.   It's much harder to get a good nielson rating now a days.


For an example.  NCIS was the top show of last year... and it did about half of what Cheers did when the Simpsons first season ran.

Yup, those huge media companies screwed themselves over good.  I guess all their short term thinking came back to bite them in the ass.