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Blue3 said:
Quantum-Tarantino said:
I dont think either will.

Within 3 years, we will have digital content delivery, THAT will be a threat to DVD, not "High Def Disks" no matter the format.


yahh just like ppv killed dvd ?

can you maybe keep on topic.

PPV, as in Pay-Per-View?

I think times have changed: Back then you had dial-up; today you have Broadband (downloading a 45k webpage was painful back then!); soon Gigabit-broadband will take over (check out the new advances in quantum networking).

Additionally, mindsets have changed. If you would've asked me 10 years ago what I thought of downloading movies via Internet, I would've labeled you a lunatic, but today things are different and downloading digital media is certainly an alternative. I think while there may be quite a number of people that prefer physical copies of their media, I'm not too fussed about it. I love the convenience of Direct2Drive and Steam. If I'm at a store, I'll check out the games, but otherwise it's just more convenient doing it from home.

But like naznatips said, neither one is even close to reaching critical mass, and if what he says is true (that DVD is growing, not shrinking, something I'd believe myself) then it will be a long time - probably over five years - before HD media really starts even threatening DVD dominance, let alone surpass it.

This war is far from over - it's hardly begun!