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I know what you meant, that's what I was talking about. Korra couldn't stand seeing Mako with Asami she told him she liked him, that put doubt in his mind even though he was happy with Asami.

If she had just stayed with Bolin (as everyone agrees she should have!) everything would have been fine.

A lot of people hate Mako, I know, but that doesn't mean he deserves a fate worse than death.

In case you didn't know, I have a comic book called Guardians. I'm the writer/creator of it, and we have four issues out right now, with our fifth coming out soon!

We're also doing a Patreon right now for the comic, and I'd appreciate any and all help in getting it funded. If 56 people pledged $3 per issue, we'll be funded

To pledge, click here. Please join Team Guardians!