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@OP. 200k combined.

fatslob-:O said:
tbone51 said:
fatslob-:O said:

US - 85k

EU - 50k

Edit: Well so much for the people here expecting for it to go over 700k lifetime.

Why? Nintendo gameshave the best legs in gaming (in terms of year spans)

Doesn't mean the market won't ridicule wind waker HD though. 

Yes, it does actually mean exactly that. Much like they didn't ridicule OoT3D, and probably never will, unless they are retarded.


Zero999 said:
fatslob-:O said:

Drakes deception still outsold skyward sword. A franchise is only as good as it's last game regardless and this is even more sad considering nintendo is having problems trying to make a successor that can outsell twilight princess. 

That's your issue not mine. 

lol at the bolded.

Psst, Zero, don't tell him about how TP sold 10m after WW sold 4.6m.