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I still stand by the fact that zelda suffered from a decline from orcarina of time to wind waker. 

Ok thats fine but ur original argument was that Skyward Sword proves the Zelda series as a whole is currently declining and now ur talking about a decline that happened 10-15 years ago.

Suffered a decline? OoT is the highest rated game (at least top 5) of all time! Anyway lots of games decline which doesn't mean anything! SSBM is better than SSBB despite a major increase! Also I can argue TP went way up from WW (8mil vs 4mil). Lots of games will decline from gen 7 to gen 8 but that doesn't make them worse! I think WW HD could sell a million+. For a remake of this caliber and a remake of a game that sold 4mil im going to say 1mil is successful, over 1.5mil is a major success. I think it can do 1.2-1.5mil lifetime!