fatslob-:O said:
Again the opinions are in the box office numbers otherwise the people wouldn't pay for watching it. There was no meaningful discussion in the first place because the facts are people are paying for call of duty yearly while zelda can't even muster up 10 million for such an old franchise so take your drivel about quality relating to critics elsewhere. |
Why does Zelda have to muster up 10mil? Also Genres are different. Shooters are so big especially since gen 7 started. You cant expect LoZ to be as big. Zelda's performance has always did good with maybe SS the only one that should of did at least 5mil. Before you say im wrong look at fighters. SSB is one of the most popular franchises with its fourth debut coming out 2014/2015. SSBB is the only fighter ever to sell over 10mil and thats a bigger accomplishment than wat COD cuz of Genres. Now looking back at it Holy S***! Fighters are dead? After SSBB the next highest last gen is Tekken: Dark Resurrection which barely sold more than 3mil? WTF?