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benji232 said:
fatslob-:O said:
LOL at people thinking I'm trolling. Just you all wait and see how wind waker HD will fair.

Multiple points you've made lead me to believe you're either a troll or you're just plain stupid.

1. You said that pikmin 3 sales were bad (it sold 500k in 2months on a 3.5m userbase)

2.You said that Uncharted is a bigger franchise then zelda (Again, laughable).

3.Saying LOL in most of you're posts makes you look even more like a troll.

Why is that laughable? The combined sales of the 2 Zelda games on Wii were less than the combined sales of Uncharted 2&3, and the Wii has a big install base advantage that was even bigger when those games came out.